Between 7 billion people i decided to be one of those who want to make a change in this world and help others. yesterday i had unforgettable morning while i was flying back to my city and enjoyed eating breakfast in the sky, than suddenly an idea came into my mind it might be a new weird one but i said to myself why not trying! most of people work everyday to get money and get a life, sometimes they face tiredness and bordom, those who sacrifice to make their family and children happy are they really satisfied with their job? is it okay to wake up every morning doing the same routine, working all day? workers deserve support so i and my friend decided to write motivation inspiring notes for the pilot and host aviation who made our flight so comfortable and safe. when we arrived we gave them what we wrote and to be honest i felt extremly happy when they smiled! their smile was everything, they may keep it for years with them or maybe i made their day special. imagine if we all di...