
Showing posts from April, 2018


وداعا يا وطني.. و وداعا يا بيتي غادرت إلى الأبد دون سابق إنذار .. و وداعا عائلتي.. و وداعا أحبائي.. لن تطول رحلتي قبل أن يتناثر جسدي أشلاء في الفضاء.. روحي ستصعد إلى الحياة الأبدية و صدى أفكار سيبقى على مر العصور.. عزائي في أكثر من مئتي بيت... صوت أحبابي و عائلتي لن يزول من هذا الفضاء لأني رحلت.. كلماتي في كل مكان فلن أطيل حديثي.. وداعا يا وطني..

Females for sale (Written poetry):

I was picked from the middle of nowhere to join the list, more likely I was picked from my secure comfort zone out to the heartless world We were sitting in one line, different females each one of us has an acceptable level of beauty that steal hearts, with my big glasses I never thought I'm a hearts stealer. It was my turn.. Unknown hand coming to me asking me politely for a dance, I was between two arms dancing slowly following the beat, his legs and moves softly, perfectly I was stunning between his arms. My Lord I'm begging you to not pick the next lady because I'm all what you want, I never mind to blindly follow you to the unknown. I don't want to sit down because the way to the unknown is better then the way to something I never wanted.. Apparently all the females in the line felt the same between the unknown arms..

Save me ( Written poetry):

Save me, I'm playing for thirty nights the same play over and over again my feet now can do the rhythm blindly from the right side to the left side of the stage. It all ends with audience clapping that now I fear to open my eyes.. Save me I'm not a pinocio doll, take the threads from all over my body and let me me move it freely again I'm a walking poetry between the crowds Quietly walking and breathing, look into my eyes I'm in a mess.. Don't believe me when I say I'm fine because I always lie.. I'm truly smoking the cigarette of life and with it I'm not getting high I saved you why aren't you saving me Haliriously laughing and living thousands of fantasies is that what keeps you away from my door Knock it once or twice I won't answer because I'm already ending my life Look at the cloud that is raining insanely around I'm fine I'm okay I say because no longer I can describe the mess I'm already dead pick me up and pu...