
Showing posts from 2017


Salam everyone, We are now witnessing the highest levels of displacement on record. An unprecedented 65.6 million people around the world have been forced from home. Among them are nearly 22.5 million refugees, over half of whom are under the age of 18. There are also 10 million stateless people who have been denied a nationality and access to basic rights such as education, healthcare, employment and freedom of movement. In a world where nearly 20 people are forcibly displaced every minute as a result of conflict or persecution. concerning this I and my friends want to start a great project where we will help refugees in our city Bechar, because we feel like they need our handing help and our support, it's summer season the weather is super hot for them and probably they don't have clothes to wear, food to eat we already contacted some charity groups/ organizations and they are ready to stand with us, despite of all the effort that we are giving we still need mo...

Arab reading challenge (تحدي القراءة العربي):

"قف على ناصية الحلم و قاتل" -محمود درويش عبارة كتبتها بحروف من ذهب و حفظتها في ذاكرتي لتكون مفتاحي نحو النجاح، قد تبدوا أحلامنا مستحيلة و لكنها عكس ذلك. مثابرة، صبر و فشل نسجت لي سلما نحو ناصية الحلم الذي قاتلت من أجله، هذه المرة أنا كنت ربان السفينة التي واجهت عواصف شرسة لتصل إلى البر بسلام. في أخر الطريق حملت راية النجاح بإسم مدينتي و ثانويتي. فزت من بين العشرة الأوائل في الطبعة الثانية لتحدي القراءة العربي حيث تشرفت بالحصول على المرتبة الرابعة وطنيا. لقد كان شعور لا يوصف بعد سماعي لإسمي من بين الفائزين حيث إمتزجت مشاعري لحظة وصولي نحو ناصية الحلم تلك التي كافحت للوصول إليها. طبعا حتى وصلت الى هذا الحلم مررت بلحظة فشل العام الماضي حيث أنه لم يحالفني الحظ بالوصول الى أي مرتبة و لكن مع العزم و الاصرار منحت نفسي فرصة ثانية و قلت لنفسي سأفعل ذلك, ما يحفز الانسان أحيانا هو طريقة تفكيره أكثر من أي شيء لأننا اذا أقنعنا أنفسنا بأننا سنحقق أحلاما فسنفعل ذلك حقا كل ما نحتاجه هو الايمان بأنفسنا و قدراتنا و نبذ فكرة الفشل و تفادي التفكير به.  هكذا حققت حلمي!


Between 7 billion people i decided to be one of those who want to make a change in this world and help others. yesterday i had unforgettable morning while i was flying back to my city and enjoyed eating breakfast in the sky, than suddenly an idea came into my mind it might be a new weird one but i said to myself why not trying! most of people work everyday to get money and get a life, sometimes they face tiredness and bordom, those who sacrifice to make their family and children happy are they really satisfied with their job? is it okay to wake up every morning doing the same routine, working all day? workers deserve support so i and my friend decided to write motivation inspiring notes for the pilot and host aviation who made our flight so comfortable and safe. when we arrived we gave them what we wrote and to be honest i felt extremly happy when they smiled! their smile was everything, they may keep it for years with them or maybe i made their day special. imagine if we all di...


We all have a certain dreams that we want to work so hard for they might be simple or bigger, ages ago human beings dreamed about going to the moon and discovering space, humans made a huge change just by starting from a simple idea and believe in their dreams no matter how hardship they face, some people simply challenged failing and stood up again against any storm on they road to achieve their dream so i did the same thing. as a bookworm i really really wanted to take part of Arab reading challenge but i failed last year! yes i failed! after failing many students quite trying again but i told myself i won't give up i failed today and i really learned alot from failing, i started working so hard for it again and made a resume of so many books, i just wanted my voice to be heard i wanted to add my own touch to everything, every book i read made me when step closer to more opportunities doors and taught me new things in different categories. i'm a winner! and the precious gi...


On saturday, April 22nd the world celebrates Earth day, this day marks the anniversary of the modern environmental movment in 1970 ( for more info i advice you to make more research about it because it's not our topic for today's post) In order to recognize the importance of Earth day event at lot of people decided to organize 24h non stop live meditation session in different locations around the world lead by their peace Architect. i couldn't do the same thing for some personal reasons. However, i decided to do something different and here are the steps i did to join the movement ( even if  it was so different than what everyone did) My Steps: , i woked up that day and meditated before starting my day for around 30min , i have my own meditation routine i meditate only on weekends or every two weeks because i'm not very professional at that.   Another thing that i really love doing which is smilling to others, it's not only ab...

(AMUN) مشاركتي خلال برنامج مؤتمر نموذج الأمم المتحدة — الجزائر

"الطموح اللامحدود هو الوقود الذي يساعد الانسان على الوصول الى طريق النجاح" لطالما رسخت هذه العبارة في ذهني حتى يتسنى لي أن أمضي قدما نحو ما أطمح لتحقيقه, بعد حلم دام مدة عام أخيرا فتح لي باب النجاح حتى أكون جزءا  مما ينشأه الشباب و أن أضع بصمتي في هذا الانجاز العظيم. لا أعرف كيف أبدأ الحديث عن كل ما يجول في عقلي من ذكريات و كلمات تعجز عن تكوين مقال بسيط لكم, انه لمن الصعب جدا أن أفصح عما يدور بداخلي لأنني و ان فعلت لتحول هذا المقال الى كتاب. بالنسبة لي مؤتمر نموذج الأمم المتحدة هو من بين الأهداف التي عملت جاهدة على تحقيقها و بعزيمتي و قبولي الغوص في ميناء المغامرة حققته , قطعت ألاف الأميال من أجل رحلة كانت مفتاح لعديد من الأبواب حيث ذهلت بمقابلتي لشباب ناجح منذ نعومة أنامله , شباب يعمل جاهدا ليبطل و ينفي مايقوله المجتمع عنا و هو أننا جيل بلا فائدة!  هلموا و تمعنوا في خبايا أفكارنا نحن من يطمح الى تحسين العالم و جعله أمنا للأجيال الصاعدة, نحن نقبل اصلاح كل الخراب الذي تشكل قبل وجودنا. خلال هذا المؤتمر وقع اختياري على أن أكون منذوبة في المجلس ال...